ASTAXANTHIN — The World's Most Powerful Antioxidant
Everything You Wanted to Know About Astaxanthin — the World's Best Antioxidant & Why It Should Be Front & Center In Your Nutritional Program
As I travel around North America and worldwide, participating on a variety of radio and television talk shows, and giving seminars and workshops on high-level wellness, antioxidants, anti-aging, balanced living, and all things related to holistic health, I am often asked about the essential role of antioxidants to healing the body and crafting vibrant health. So in this Blog, here are some questions I often receive about the need to upgrade our diets and replenish our antioxidant supply on a daily basis. To make this easy to read and follow, I'll provide you with a Q & A format from a radio interview I did on Astaxanthin on my show Dr. Susan's House Calls. To listen to the audio version, please click HERE.
1. We hear so much about the importance of antioxidants to great health and how they are essential to get rid of free radicals. Please explain what this means so everyone can understand.
From decades of research in nutrition and healthy living, I understand the importance of getting enough antioxidants in our diet, whether from food sources or supplements. To help you appreciate their integral role in being healthy, here’s a quick course in Antioxidants & Free Radicals 101.
A free radical can be defined as a toxic, unstable molecule that attacks and steals electrons from other molecules. Now these other molecules could be enzymes. Or they could be critical proteins within the cell. Or they could even be our DNA. They inflict damage in and on the cell.
Besides inflicting this health- and life-threatening damage, they also trigger chain reactions. In other words, we can have a tsunami of free radicals stealing electrons from our cellular parts. This causes the cells to become dysfunctional and die, which leads to myriad health problems. Some of these include inflammation, heart disease, autoimmune disease, cancer, and diabetes, just to name a few. Put simply, the decline in one’s health often begins with the free radical.
2. How do antioxidants help get rid of the free radicals?
The damage that free radicals cause to our cells is called oxidation. An antioxidant is a substance that stops free radicals from causing cellular damage — hence the name antioxidant. That is to say, scientists have discovered a group of natural nutrients that we now know will neutralize and mop up these free radicals. These are the health enhancing antioxidants. All of the colorful produce and legumes you eat, including berries, spinach, papaya, grapes, apples, carrots, leafy greens, beans, and tomatoes are all chock-full of antioxidants.
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Most antioxidants, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, and others can usually only handle one free radical at a time. But there’s one antioxidant that can handle multiple free radicals simultaneously and multiple types of free radicals. It’s called Astaxanthin, and in the arena of nutritional science, it’s known worldwide as the ”King of Antioxidants.” To order the Nutrex-Hawaii Astaxanthin (and Spirulina) that I personally take daily and highly recommend in my private practice and to friends and family, BioAstin Hawaiian Astaxanthin, please call: 800-453-1187 (US & Canada) • 808-329-4677 (Intl). You'll get a 25% discount and a bonus gift (my 95-page, full color eBook, The Curative Kitchen) with each purchase when you call to purchase and use the code: VIBRANT. For detailed info, click HERE and then continue reading.